Friday, October 19, 2012

Nike Shox Torch 2 organizing those you're going to use according to your subject coverage outline

organizing those you're going to use according to your "subject
coverage" outline. Don't let the outline part of your project
become an obstacle. An outline is simply listing the order in
which you want to write about or discuss each aspect of your

Everything that's written should have a natural beginning, a
body and an ending. When you outline your subject, and your
"subject coverage", which can be likened to a table of contents,
you'll find it easier to say what you want to say. You'll be
ABLE to say everything you want to say. You won't have to worry
about forgetting or leaving out an important point you want to
make. The coverage of your subject will be more complete, and
your writing will be much smoother.

Once you've completed your research, organized your notes, and
have your "subject coverage" outline set, you're ready to write
the money-making report that just might make you rich!

Start writing, and write as though you were talking to someone,
because writing, after everything has been analyzed, taken
apart, studied, improved upon, and put back together, is still
nothing more or less than a written conversation between two
people. Write your how-to report as though you were instructing
a high school graduate in how to do something his first day on
the job.

It makes no difference whether you write it all out longhand or
pound away at a typewriter. Just get it all written! Once
you've got your material organized, start writing and don't stop
until you're finished!

When you have finished, be proud of yourself! Take a break, go
out to dinner, enjoy a night on the town! In other words, put
this first draft of your report aside for a few days and allow
your brain, your body, and your creative juices to rejuvenate

After a couple of days off, take up your report and go through
it with a sharp pencil, just as you imagine an editor would do.
Strike out, rewrite and polish each paragraph for clarity,
accuracy and flow.

This is the time to make sure that what you've written is easy
to read, easy to understand, and each sentence follows the one
before it just as surely as spring follows winter. The smoother
the conversation or the writing of your report flows, the easier
it'll be to read, and the easier it is to read, the more copies
you will sell.

Now you have a money-making report that has the potential of
making a great deal of money for you. If you are a good typist,
go ahead and type it out in finished form. If you're not a
typist, you can have it typed by someone who is, or even have it
typeset for a small fee.


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