Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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"Come, now, be reasonable. Don't be suspicious, Mr. Tibbetts," said the other genially. "Your friend's interests are all right, and the shareholders' interests are all right. You might do worse than get control of the company yourself."
Bones nodded.
"I was thinking of that," he said.
"I assure you," said Mr. de Vinne with great earnestness, "that the possibilities of the Mazeppa Trading Company are unlimited. We have concessions from the Great River to the north of the French territory----"
"Not worth the paper they're written on, dear old kidder," said Bones, shaking his head. "Chiefs' concessions without endorsement from the Colonial Office are no good, dear old thing."
"But the trading concessions are all right," insisted the other. "You can't deny that. You understand the Coast customs better than I do. Trading customs hold without endorsement from the Colonial Office."
Bones had to admit that that was a fact.
"I'll think it over," he said. "It appeals to me, old de Vinne. It really does appeal to me. Who own the shares?"
"I can give you a list," said Mr. de Vinne, with admirable calm, "and you'd be well advised to negotiate privately with these gentlemen. You'd probably get the shares for eighteen shillings." He took a gold pencil from his pocket and wrote rapidly a list of names, and Bones took the paper from his hand and scrutinised them.
Hamilton, a silent and an amazed spectator of the proceedings, waited until de Vinne had gone, and then fell upon his partner.
"You're not going to be such a perfect jackass----" he began, but Bones's dignified gesture arrested his eloquence.
"Dear old Ham," he said, "senior partner, dear old thing! Let old Bones have his joke."
"Do you realise," said Hamilton, "that you are contemplating the risk of a quarter of a million? You're mad, Bones!"
Bones grinned.
"Go down to our broker and buy ten thousand shares in old Mazeppa, Ham," he said. "You'll buy them on the market for nineteen shillings, and I've an idea that they're worth about the nineteenth part of a farthing."
"But----" stammered Hamilton.
"It is an order," said Bones, and he spoke in the Bomongo tongue.
"Phew!" said Hamilton. "That carries me a few thousand miles. I wonder what those devils of the N'gombi are doing now?"
"I'll tell you something they're not doing," said Bones. "They're not buying Mazeppa shares."
There were two very deeply troubled people in the office of Tibbetts and Hamilton. One was Hamilton himself, and the other was Miss Marguerite Whitland. Hamilton had two causes for worry. The first and the least was the strange extravagance of Bones. The second--and this was more serious--was the prospect of breaking to Sanders that night that he had been swindled, for swindled he undoubtedly was. Hamilton had spent a feverish hour canvassing City opinion on the Mazeppa Trading Company, and the report he had had was not encouraging. He had, much against his will, carried out the instructions of Bones, and had purchased in the open market ten thousand shares in the Company--a transaction duly noted by Mr. de Vinne and his interested partner.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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"Three minutes!" shouted Don; "did we do it in that?"
"Hurrah!" cried Jack; "we'll be in it yet."
"In what?" asked Dick.
"In the water," chuckled Jack.
"You will be," retorted Donald, "if you spring anything like that on us again."
"That reminds me--" began Dick.
"What does?" asked Donald.
"What is the matter, Gerald?" broke in Rand, as the coxswain, with a sudden exclamation, threw the rudder hard down and called:
"Up oars, all!"
The boys raised their oars just in time as the shell grazed the stern of a heavy skiff, which a boy, who was rowing, had stopped just in the course of the shell.
"Hey, there!" shouted Rand as the boats swept apart: "what are you trying to do, run us down?"
"What are you trying to do, yourself?" retorted a man, who was sitting in the stern of the skiff. "Don't you think anybody has any right on the river but you? Think you own the whole place, don't you?"
"But you had plenty of room without getting in the way," persisted Rand. "I think you did it on purpose."
"Aw, go wan!" returned the man. "Don't get too funny or I'll come over there and take you over my knee."
"Come over and try it, if you think you can do it," replied Rand hotly.
"Monkey Rae again," murmured Jack. "I thought we had got rid of him."
"Keep cool, Rand," advised Don; "it isn't worth while making a fuss over."
"He ought to have his head punched," put in Dick.
"Who?" asked Jack. "Don?"
"No; that fellow in the boat," answered Dick.
"That isn't the way to teach him good manners," objected Jack.
"It's the only way you can teach some people," argued Dick. "Who is he?"
"Oh, that's the man that took our boat up the river," replied Jack.
"What do you think he was trying to do?" went on Dick.
"Trying to steal it, of course," replied Jack.
"I mean now."
"Oh, smash us up so we couldn't row to-morrow," guessed Jack.
"But what for?" persisted Dick.
"Oh, just pure ugliness, I guess," replied Jack.
"Then, you know, Monkey has it in for Rand for the thrashing he once gave him for beating his dog."
"Does he carry malice like that?" asked Donald.
"He will carry it all his life," replied Jack, "and then some more. Then Monkey doesn't like any of us because he was always behind us in school. He says we got ahead by favor, for we aren't any smarter than he is."
"Let fall!" ordered Gerald. "Let's try it again."
The boys bent to their work, but they had lost their vim, and they did not strike their pace again.
"I don't understand about Monkey," began Jack, as they drew into the landing. "There is something back of all this, and I mean to find out what it is."
"What have you been doing," cried Pepper, who was waiting for them on the landing, "fishing?"
"No; monkeying," answered Rand. "Jim Rae got in the way, and we had to stop for fear of smashing into him."
"Why didn't you do it and get rid of him?" asked Pepper.
"It would more likely have got rid of us," replied Rand; "and I guess that is what he was trying to do."
Chapter 20 A Night Alarm
"Who's there?" called Rand sharply. He was sitting with Donald and Pepper on the steps of the piazza, in front of Mr. Scott's house.

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So sorry I can’t see you. Will you come and
dine with me Sunday evening at half-past seven?
When Bartley arrived at Bedford Square on Sunday evening, Marie, the pretty little French girl, met him at the door and conducted him upstairs. Hilda was writing in her living-room, under the light of a tall desk lamp. Bartley recognized the primrose satin gown she had worn that first evening at Lady Walford’s.
“I’m so pleased that you think me worth that yellow dress, you know,” he said, taking her hand and looking her over admiringly from the toes of her canary slippers to her smoothly parted brown hair. “Yes, it’s very, very pretty. Every one at Lady Walford’s was looking at it.”
Hilda curtsied. “Is that why you think it pretty? I’ve no need for fine clothes in Mac’s play this time, so I can afford a few duddies for myself. It’s owing to that same chance, by the way, that I am able to ask you to dinner. I don’t need Marie to dress me this season, so she keeps house for me, and my little Galway girl has gone home for a visit. I should never have asked you if Molly had been here, for I remember you don’t like English cookery.”
Alexander walked about the room, looking at everything.
“I haven’t had a chance yet to tell you what a jolly little place I think this is. Where did you get those etchings? They’re quite unusual, aren’t they?”
“Lady Westmere sent them to me from Rome last Christmas. She is very much interested in the American artist who did them. They are all sketches made about the Villa d’Este, you see. He painted that group of cypresses for the Salon, and it was bought for the Luxembourg.”
Alexander walked over to the bookcases. “It’s the air of the whole place here that I like. You haven’t got anything that doesn’t belong. Seems to me it looks particularly well to-night. And you have so many flowers. I like these little yellow irises.”
“Rooms always look better by lamplight — in London, at least. Though Marie is clean — really clean, as the French are. Why do you look at the flowers so critically? Marie got them all fresh in Covent Garden market yesterday morning.”
“I’m glad,” said Alexander simply. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to have you so pretty and comfortable here, and to hear every one saying such nice things about you. You’ve got awfully nice friends,” he added humbly, picking up a little jade elephant from her desk. “Those fellows are all very loyal, even Mainhall. They don’t talk of any one else as they do of you.”
Hilda sat down on the couch and said seriously: “I’ve a neat little sum in the bank, too, now, and I own a mite of a hut in Galway. It’s not worth much, but I love it. I’ve managed to save something every year, and that with helping my three sisters now and then, and tiding poor Cousin Mike over bad seasons. He’s that gifted, you know, but he will drink and loses more good engagements than other fellows ever get. And I’ve traveled a bit, too.”
Marie opened the door and smilingly announced that dinner was served.
“My dining-room,” Hilda explained, as she led the way, “is the tiniest place you have ever seen.”

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The career that you've wanted all these years is just waiting for you. So take chances, life is full of many obstacles; but if you are hardworking, diligent, and patient, you can go through your college life with ease.

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“Vast field of study opened. Deposits probably of late Cretaceous or early Eocene period, judging from associated specimens. Massive stalagmites deposited above them. Hard work hewing out, but toughness prevented damage. State of preservation miraculous, evidently owing to limestone action. No more found so far, but will resume search later. Job now to get fourteen huge specimens to camp without dogs, which bark furiously and can’t be trusted near them.
“With nine men — three left to guard the dogs — we ought to manage the three sledges fairly well, though wind is bad. Must establish plane communication with McMurdo Sound and begin shipping material. But I’ve got to dissect one of these things before we take any rest. Wish I had a real laboratory here. Dyer better kick himself for having tried to stop my westward trip. First the world’s greatest mountains, and then this. If this last isn’t the high spot of the expedition, I don’t know what is. We’re made scientifically. Congrats, Pabodie, on the drill that opened up the cave. Now will Arkham please repeat description?”
The sensations of Pabodie and myself at receipt of this report were almost beyond description, nor were our companions much behind us in enthusiasm. McTighe, who had hastily translated a few high spots as they came from the droning receiving set, wrote out the entire message from his shorthand version as soon as Lake’s operator signed off. All appreciated the epoch-making significance of the discovery, and I sent Lake congratulations as soon as the Arkham’s operator had repeated back the descriptive parts as requested; and my example was followed by Sherman from his station at the McMurdo Sound supply cache, as well as by Captain Douglas of the Arkham. Later, as head of the expedition, I added some remarks to be relayed through the Arkham to the outside world. Of course, rest was an absurd thought amidst this excitement; and my only wish was to get to Lake’s camp as quickly as I could. It disappointed me when he sent word that a rising mountain gale made early aerial travel impossible.
But within an hour and a half interest again rose to banish disappointment. Lake, sending more messages, told of the completely successful transportation of the fourteen great specimens to the camp. It had been a hard pull, for the things were surprisingly heavy; but nine men had accomplished it very neatly. Now some of the party were hurriedly building a snow corral at a safe distance from the camp, to which the dogs could be brought for greater convenience in feeding. The specimens were laid out on the hard snow near the camp, save for one on which Lake was making crude attempts at dissection.
This dissection seemed to be a greater task than had been expected, for, despite the heat of a gasoline stove in the newly raised laboratory tent, the deceptively flexible tissues of the chosen specimen — a powerful and intact one — lost nothing of their more than leathery toughness. Lake was puzzled as to how he might make the requisite incisions without violence destructive enough to upset all the structural niceties he was looking for. He had, it is true, seven more perfect specimens; but these were too few to use up recklessly unless the cave might later yield an unlimited supply. Accordingly he removed the specimen and dragged in one which, though having remnants of the starfish arrangements at both ends, was badly crushed and partly disrupted along one of the great torso furrows.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Some people who claimed to know said that the Company could have gone to work and taken possession of the country without any further ceremony, as it was their right as first occupants. But that is just where the difficulty came in, because until this time the Pole seemed to be forbidden ground to any one. Therefore, in case the United States should give possession of the country, the Company wanted a regular title to it without trouble about the matter in the future. It was unjust to blame them in any way, as in such an affair too many precautions cannot be taken. Besides, the circular had a paragraph which provided for all future chances. This paragraph was capable of so many interpretations that the exact meaning of it could not be rendered even by those who studied it closely. It was stipulated that the right of proprietorship should not depend upon any chances or changes in the country, no matter whether these changes were in the position or climate of the country.
What did this phrase mean? How could there ever be any changes in the geography or meteorology of a country like this one to be sold at auction? “Evidently,” said some shrewd ones, “there must be something behind it.”
The commentators had free swing and exercised it with a will. One paper in Philadelphia published the following pleasant notice:
“Undoubtedly the future purchasers of the Arctic region have information that a hard stone comet will strike this world under such conditions that its blow will produce geographic and meteorologic changes such as the purchasers of the Arctic region will profit by.”
The idea of a blow with a hard stone planet was not accepted by serious people. In any case it was not likely that the would-be purchasers would have been informed of such a coming event.
“Perhaps,” said a New Orleans newspaper, “the new Company thinks the precession of the equinox will in time favor the conditions likely to lead to the utilization of this domain.”
“And why not? Because this movement modifies the direction of the axis of our spheroid,” observed another correspondent.
“Really,” answered the Scientific Review, of Paris. “As Adhemar has predicted in his book on the ocean currents, the precession of the equinox, combined with the movement of the earth’s axis, will be such as to modify in a long period the average temperature of the different parts of the earth and in the quantities of ice accumulated around the two poles.”
“This is not certain,” replied the Edinburgh Review, “and, besides, supposing that this would be the case, is not a lapse of 12,000 years necessary before Vega becomes our polar star in consequence of this movement and the situation of the Arctic territory consequently changed in regard to its climate?”
“Well,” said the Copenhagen Dagblad, “in 12,000 years it will be time to make preparations, and before that time risk nothing—not even a cent.”
It was possible that the Scientific Review was right with Adhemar. It was also very probable that the North Polar Practical Association had never counted on this modification of climate due to the precession of the equinox. In fact, nobody had clearly discovered what this last paragraph in the circular meant nor what kind of change it had in view.

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“Would you guess what was the next thing I did? Directly I got over the frontier I wrote from Bayonne asking the old man to send me out my sister here. I said it was for the service of the King. You see, I had thought suddenly of that house of mine in which you once spent the night talking with Mr. Mills and Don Juan Blunt. I thought it would do extremely well for Carlist officers coming this way on leave or on a mission. In hotels they might have been molested, but I knew that I could get protection for my house. Just a word from the ministry in Paris to the Prefect. But I wanted a woman to manage it for me. And where was I to find a trustworthy woman? How was I to know one when I saw her? I don’t know how to talk to women. Of course my Rose would have done for me that or anything else; but what could I have done myself without her? She has looked after me from the first. It was Henry Allegre who got her for me eight years ago. I don’t know whether he meant it for a kindness but she’s the only human being on whom I can lean. She knows . . . What doesn’t she know about me! She has never failed to do the right thing for me unasked. I couldn’t part with her. And I couldn’t think of anybody else but my sister.
“After all it was somebody belonging to me. But it seemed the wildest idea. Yet she came at once. Of course I took care to send her some money. She likes money. As to my uncle there is nothing that he wouldn’t have given up for the service of the King. Rose went to meet her at the railway station. She told me afterwards that there had been no need for me to be anxious about her recognizing Mademoiselle Therese. There was nobody else in the train that could be mistaken for her. I should think not! She had made for herself a dress of some brown stuff like a nun’s habit and had a crooked stick and carried all her belongings tied up in a handkerchief. She looked like a pilgrim to a saint’s shrine. Rose took her to the house. She asked when she saw it: ‘And does this big place really belong to our Rita?’ My maid of course said that it was mine. ‘And how long did our Rita live here?’ — ‘Madame has never seen it unless perhaps the outside, as far as I know. I believe Mr. Allegre lived here for some time when he was a young man.’ — ‘The sinner that’s dead?’ — ‘Just so,’ says Rose. You know nothing ever startles Rose. ‘Well, his sins are gone with him,’ said my sister, and began to make herself at home.
“Rose was going to stop with her for a week but on the third day she was back with me with the remark that Mlle. Therese knew her way about very well already and preferred to be left to herself. Some little time afterwards I went to see that sister of mine. The first thing she said to me, ‘I wouldn’t have recognized you, Rita,’ and I said, ‘What a funny dress you have, Therese, more fit for the portress of a convent than for this house.’ — ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘and unless you give this house to me, Rita, I will go back to our country. I will have nothing to do with your life, Rita. Your life is no secret for me.’
“I was going from room to room and Therese was following me. ‘I don’t know that my life is a secret to anybody,’ I said to her, ‘but how do you know anything about it?’ And then she told me that it was through a cousin of ours, that horrid wretch of a boy, you know. He had finished his schooling and was a clerk in a Spanish commercial house of some kind, in Paris, and apparently had made it his business to write home whatever he could hear about me or ferret out from those relations of mine with whom I lived as a girl. I got suddenly very furious. I raged up and down the room (we were alone upstairs), and Therese scuttled away from me as far as the door. I heard her say to herself, ‘It’s the evil spirit in her that makes her like this.’ She was absolutely convinced of that. She made the sign of the cross in the air to protect herself. I was quite astounded. And then I really couldn’t help myself. I burst into a laugh. I laughed and laughed; I really couldn’t stop till Therese ran away. I went downstairs still laughing and found her in the hall with her face to the wall and her fingers in her ears kneeling in a corner. I had to pull her out by the shoulders from there. I don’t think she was frightened; she was only shocked. But I don’t suppose her heart is desperately bad, because when I dropped into a chair feeling very tired she came and knelt in front of me and put her arms round my waist and entreated me to cast off from me my evil ways with the help of saints and priests. Quite a little programme for a reformed sinner. I got away at last. I left her sunk on her heels before the empty chair looking after me. ‘I pray for you every night and morning, Rita,’ she said. — ‘Oh, yes. I know you are a good sister,’ I said to her. I was letting myself out when she called after me, ‘And what about this house, Rita?’ I said to her, ‘Oh, you may keep it till the day I reform and enter a convent.’ The last I saw of her she was still on her knees looking after me with her mouth open. I have seen her since several times, but our intercourse is, at any rate on her side, as of a frozen nun with some great lady. But I believe she really knows how to make men comfortable. Upon my word I think she likes to look after men. They don’t seem to be such great sinners as women are. I think you could do worse than take up your quarters at number 10. She will no doubt develop a saintly sort of affection for you, too.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

coach Setting a Budget for a New Years Eve Party If you are planning a New Years Eve party

Setting a Budget for a New Years Eve Party

If you are planning a New Years Eve party, you probably already realize you need to set a budget for your party. This is important because going over budget on your party can cause a significant financial strain on the host of the party. You likely want to provide a great New Years Eve party for all of your guests but you do not want to go into considerable debt to do this. The best way to throw a successful New Years Eve party is to set a budget based on the amount of cash you have available and working within that budget to create the most spectacular New Years Eve party possible. This article will examine the importance for setting a budget for your New Years Eve party and will offer advice for setting your budget for each aspect of the party.

The first step in setting a budget for your New Years Eve party is to first consider the total amount of money you wish to spend. Ideally this amount will be equal to the amount of money you have available to spend and will not cause you to go into debt to throw the party. However, hosts who have a very limited amount of funds available may opt to use a credit card to throw their party knowing they will be going into debt for the party. Once you have an overall budget, you can set individual budgets for each element of the party.

Some of the individual elements to consider when planning a New Years Eve party are location, invitation, decorations, food, beverages, entertainment and incidental items. When considering these items, the host should prioritize these items to determine which elements are most important. This will give the host a good idea of how to distribute the available funds. For example if the host decides that food and beverages are more important than entertainment, she will likely allot a larger portion of the budget to food and beverages than she would to entertainment. Likewise if she values entertainment over food and beverages she will likely allot more money to entertainment than she does to food and beverages. Once the priorities are determined the host should assign a percentage of the total budget to each of the expenses on their list. This percentage should be based on the importance of the expense as well as other factors such as overall cost of the items. The host may consider the invitations to be important but they are also relatively expensive. The host may opt to assign a large percentage of the budget to the invitations but it shouldn�t be a higher percentage than more expensive items such as the food or entertainment receive.

The most important aspect of setting a budget for your New Years Eve party is to carefully follow that budget. As purchases are made for the party, it is important to document each purchase and the price of the purchase to ensure the budget is not being exceeded. If the host exceeds the budget in one category, it will be necessary to decrease the budget in another category to ensure the overall budget is not exceeded. It is also important to keep the overall budget in mind when making each purchase to ensure you will meet your overall financial goals.

chanel watches The passengers had been warned by the officers on board not to go ashore at Aden beca

The passengers had been warned by the officers on board not to go ashore at Aden because of the intense heat. So the women spent their time bargaining with the Jews who came to the ship to sell ostrich feathers and feather boas. The men helped them to close with the sellers always to the sellers’ advantage, much as they might congratulate themselves to the contrary.
I, in company with a few of the more reckless ones, decided to brave the heat and go ashore and see what Aden had to offer.
Chapter 8 Aden to Colombo
HIRING a large boat, I went ashore with a half dozen acquaintances who felt they could risk the sun. The four oarsmen were black fellows, thin of limb, but possessed of much strength and tireless good humor. They have, as have all the inhabitants of Aden, the finest white teeth of any mortals. This may be due to the care they take of them and the manner of that care. From some place, I am unable to state where, as I failed to see one living thing growing at Aden, they get tree branches of a soft, fibrous wood which they cut into pieces three and four inches in length. With one end of this stick, scraped free of the bark, they rub and polish their teeth until they are perfect in their whiteness. The wood wears into a soft pulp, but as one can buy a dozen sticks for a penny one can well afford to throw the stick away after once using; although, if necessary, a stick can be used many times. I bought several sticks and found them the most efficient as well as pleasant tooth brush I had ever tried. I felt a regret that some enterprising firm had not thought of importing this useful bit of timber to replace the tooth-destroying brush used in America.
The man in charge of the boat that carried us to land was a small black fellow with the thinnest legs I ever saw. Somehow they reminded me of smoked herrings, they were so black, flat and dried looking. He was very gay notwithstanding his lack of weight. Around his neck and over his bare breast were twined strings of beads, black and gold and silver. Around his waist was a highly colored sash, and on his arms and ankles were heavy bracelets, while his fingers and toes seemed to be trying to outdo one another in the way of rings. He spoke English quite well, and to my rather impertinent question as to what number constituted his family told me that he had three wives and eleven children, which number, he added piously, by the grace of the power of his faith, he hoped to increase.
His hair was yellow which, added to his very light dress of jewelry and sash, gave him rather a strange look. The bright yellow hair and the black skin forming a contrast which was more startling than the black eyes and yellow hair that flashed upon the astonished vision of the American public some years ago, but has become since an old and tiresome sight. Some of the boatmen had their black wool pasted down and hidden under a coating of lime. I was very curious about it until the first man explained that they were merely bleaching their hair; that it was always done by covering the head with lime, which, being allowed to remain on for several days, exposed to the hot sun and the water, bleached the hair yellow or red at the expiration of that time. This bleaching craze, he also informed me, was confined to the men of Aden. So far, none of the women had tried to enhance their black beauty in that way, but it was considered very smart among the men.

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But it must not be forgotten that if the purchase cost $800,000 and more, that it was Mrs. Evangelina Scorbitt who had put the necessary amount into this affair. Thanks to this generous woman Europe had been conquered by America. Since their return President Barbicane and Capt. Nicholl had enjoyed a supreme celebrity. But there was another man who deserved credit in the matter. It is easy to guess that J.T. Maston was the man of whom we speak, the temporary Secretary of the Gun Club. Did we not owe to this brilliant calculator all the mathematical formulae which enabled us to tell the story of the voyage to the moon? If he did not accompany his two associates on their terrible journey it was not fear which kept him back. No, indeed, it was only the injuries he had received during the war. For really it would have made a bad impression on the inhabitants on the moon to see him in his disabled condition as a representative of our people, and the moon only our humble satellite. To his extreme regret, Mr. Maston was compelled to stay at home. Nevertheless he had not been idle. After having constructed an immense telescope, which was put on the mountain of Long’s Peak, one of the highest mountains of the Rocky range, he went up there personally, and after he had received the signal that the cannon-ball had been fired he did not once leave his post. From his place of observation he essayed the task of following his friends firing across the vast space. One might readily believe that his friends would be lost to the world; that it was very easily possible that this projectile could be compelled by the attraction of the moon to become a sub-satellite. A deviation which one might call providential had changed the direction of the projectile, and after having made one trip around the moon, in place of touching it, it was carried away in a terrible fall and returned to us with a speed of 576,000 miles a minute to the moment when it was swallowed up by the ocean. Happy it was that the great liquid mass had deadened the fall, and that the American frigate Susquehanna was present at the fall. As soon as the news reached Mr. Maston, the Secretary of the Gun Club, he rushed with all possible haste from his observation point at Long’s Peak to begin operations to save his friends. Divers were sent to the place where the projectile had fallen. And Mr. Maston even did not hesitate to put on a cork jacket to save and find his friends again. It was unnecessary to go to so much trouble. The projectile was found floating on the surface of the Pacific Ocean after having made its beautiful fall. And President Barbicane with Capt. Nicholl and Michel Ardan were found playing dominoes in their floating prison on the surface of the ocean.
To return to J.T. Maston, it is proper to say that his part in the affair deserves a good deal of credit. It is certain that he was not pretty with his metallic arm. He was not young, fifty-eight years old, at the time we write this story. But the originality of his character, the vivacity of his intelligence, the vigor which animated him, the ardor which he had in all such things, had made him the ideal of Mrs. Evangeline Scorbitt. His brain carefully hidden under his cover of gutta-percha was yet untouched, and he would still pass as one of the most remarkable calculators of his age.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Playing online pokies is a hobby of many youths today. Best thing about online pokies game is that people can play it at their own convenience. Today, pokie games are also available in hip-hop themes or even themes of movie plots. It is a very engaging game that every gambler would love to play and keep on playing.

Online pokies have many advantages over casino�s slot machines, as there are few ways to increase the chances of winning by choosing online pokies that offer the best bonuses and also some quick tips on playing it. People can hardly win so much of money by playing slots at slot machines in clubs or casinos as they can by simply playing online pokies. The best part about playing pokies is that people do not have to pay additional costs that they give in casinos or pubs. Also, players have an advantage when they can literally get free money by playing online pokies as their monetary benefits match their deposits; whereas, at casinos, players are hardly offered any bonuses.

This online game has gained lot of popularity and has become a favorite among the online gamers. People were already hooked on to the slot machines and now with the facility to play similar game like pokie on the internet they seem to have hit the jackpot. As more and more people are discovering the benefits of playing online pokies. It is far more advantageous in terms of putting in money and getting bonuses as compared to the playing charges or the bonus offered at the casinos, pubs or clubs. It�s anytime and anywhere accessibility due to being an online game, makes it all the more popular. Online pokies have easy rules and simple playing techniques. So find a good online pokies website and start playing.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

lv wallets Real Men Aren't Afraid Of Ballroom Dancing_30207

Anybody who still believes the myth that ballroom dancing is for sissies has either been living under a rock or is simply using that as an excuse for their own fears.

Emmitt Smith of Dallas Cowboys fame, and former Superbowl Champion, waltzed away Wednesday night with another winning trophy to place on his mantel, this one the championship Mirror Ball Trophy from ABC's "Dancing with the Stars".

I am so proud of this man for shattering all the stereotypes, and offering a resounding response once and for all to the age old question: what type of man learns ballroom dancing? The answer....a REAL man!

There can surely be no question as to this man's virility, nor his confidence in himself. Not only did he plunge wholeheartedly into unfamiliar waters, but he chose to do it on nationwide television, in front of millions of viewers. How many men (or women, for that matter) have the guts to do that?

I've heard all the whiny excuses for not taking ballroom dancing lessons...I've got two left feet....dancing is for sissies....I don't have time to learn something new....what good does it do to know how to dance, I'll never compete...I'll look stupid....I'm no good at it...I don't like it....it's too expensive...and on and on ad nauseum. It doesn't matter the words they choose, they're all saying basically the same thing..."I lack confidence in myself and I'm scared". How terribly, pathetically sad.

Knowing what I know about ballroom dancing, there simply is no excuse for not learning. I've seen men without legs on the ballroom dance floor. I've watched macho types, geeky types and overweight men move with grace as they executed a beautiful promenade. I've known men who took on odd jobs to pay for continued lessons. I've witnessed men literally dragged into the studio against their will and watched with pride as they developed into, not just great dancers, but one even went on to become a phenomenal instructor. How much they all would have missed if they had let their fears keep them from trying.

There are many things in this world to be afraid of. Ballroom dancing isn't one of them. Don't be afraid to open yourself to new possibilities. The numerous benefits you'll receive may shock you.

coach outlet factory Okanagan-mountain-range-181

Okanagan Mountain Range Ski Vacations

Okanagan is a mountain range that runs through
valleys close to three mountain ranges.During the
summer this is the perfect place to do some camping,
but when winter hits you will have great skiing
weather and conditions. There are small resorts that
are scattered throughout the area. The climate here
will make for great skiing down the slopes and through
the trails.

These scattered resorts are very quiet and peaceful.
Lifts are available, but they are limited to specific
times and dates. These resorts have great skiing
around them, even though they are small. This area
of mountains offers the most consistent
weather conditions, and the resort offers lodging for
everyone that cares to stay - at a reasonable price.

The mountain ranges offer different trails and skill
levels, but most of all they provide you with the
skiing vacation of your dreams. During the winter,
temperatures in the Okanogan range often drop to
zero degrees. The items you bring will need to keep
you warm at all times and safe no matter which trail
you may choose to ski.

(word count 181)


Friday, October 19, 2012

coach The FICO score is your credit score

The FICO score is your credit score, and remember, you must get a high score to have any application on your favor. One of the best ways to cope with your expenditures is through credit, so it is a must that you get a high FICO score. Be responsible with your finances.

Nike Shox Torch 2 organizing those you're going to use according to your subject coverage outline

organizing those you're going to use according to your "subject
coverage" outline. Don't let the outline part of your project
become an obstacle. An outline is simply listing the order in
which you want to write about or discuss each aspect of your

Everything that's written should have a natural beginning, a
body and an ending. When you outline your subject, and your
"subject coverage", which can be likened to a table of contents,
you'll find it easier to say what you want to say. You'll be
ABLE to say everything you want to say. You won't have to worry
about forgetting or leaving out an important point you want to
make. The coverage of your subject will be more complete, and
your writing will be much smoother.

Once you've completed your research, organized your notes, and
have your "subject coverage" outline set, you're ready to write
the money-making report that just might make you rich!

Start writing, and write as though you were talking to someone,
because writing, after everything has been analyzed, taken
apart, studied, improved upon, and put back together, is still
nothing more or less than a written conversation between two
people. Write your how-to report as though you were instructing
a high school graduate in how to do something his first day on
the job.

It makes no difference whether you write it all out longhand or
pound away at a typewriter. Just get it all written! Once
you've got your material organized, start writing and don't stop
until you're finished!

When you have finished, be proud of yourself! Take a break, go
out to dinner, enjoy a night on the town! In other words, put
this first draft of your report aside for a few days and allow
your brain, your body, and your creative juices to rejuvenate

After a couple of days off, take up your report and go through
it with a sharp pencil, just as you imagine an editor would do.
Strike out, rewrite and polish each paragraph for clarity,
accuracy and flow.

This is the time to make sure that what you've written is easy
to read, easy to understand, and each sentence follows the one
before it just as surely as spring follows winter. The smoother
the conversation or the writing of your report flows, the easier
it'll be to read, and the easier it is to read, the more copies
you will sell.

Now you have a money-making report that has the potential of
making a great deal of money for you. If you are a good typist,
go ahead and type it out in finished form. If you're not a
typist, you can have it typed by someone who is, or even have it
typeset for a small fee.


LV Outlet These are some of the things you should look for in an outsourcing company in China in ord

These are some of the things you should look for in an outsourcing company in China in order to make sure that you will get your money�s worth. So, if you need to save money and at the same time, break down heavy workloads to manageable pieces, you should consider outsourcing in China.

coach outlet factory Slipped disks start at the spinal canal

Slipped disks start at the spinal canal, nerves, gelatinous core, and finally at the disks. When the nerve roots are pressured, the disk can slip, causing herniated nucleus pulposa. Sciatica is a sort of slipped disk, since the pain sends sharp, electrical shock-like pain down the canal of the spine, sending a distressing ache that starts at the back. The pain carries onto the legs. The pain is at times intermittent, yet other times it can lead to chronic pain syndrome. Surgical procedures are often required to correct the problem.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nike Shox Torch 2 “The life I lead

“The life I lead,” he wrote, “suits no one; it wearies relatives and friends alike. All leave my melancholy home.... It is impossible for me to work amidst the petty tiffs aroused by surroundings of discord; and my activity has waned during the past year.... You were in a tolerable situation. I had a trustworthy person who spared you all household worries. You were not obliged to trouble about domestic matters; you were in peace and silence. You insisted on interfering with me when you should have forgotten I existed, and should have let me have my entire liberty, without which I can do nothing. This is not your fault; it is in the nature of women. To-day, everything is changed. If you like to come back, you will have a little of the weight that will fall on me and that hitherto affected you only because you wished it.”
The conclusion of the letter, in which he assured her of his love, could not counterbalance the harshness of its contents. Madame Balzac, be it granted, was cantankerous; but how many sons who have never sponged on their mothers have supported them cheerfully, gladly, for long years out of meagre resources, and have borne with a smile the natural peevishness of old age, not to say its egoisms!
At this period, Balzac’s acquaintance with the grand dames of Paris was considerably diminished. Madame de Castries he seems to have broken with altogether. Madame Visconti, who lived a good deal at Versailles, he saw but seldom. In lieu of these, he regularly visited George Sand, who was at present settled in a small flat of the Rue Pigalle in Paris, and was there enjoying the society of Chopin. With a connoisseur’s envy, the novelist describes to Eve the interior, the elegantly furnished dining-room in carved oak, the café-au-lait upholstered drawing-room, with its superb Chinese vases of fragrant flowers, its cabinet of curiosities, its Delacroix pictures, its rosewood piano, and the portrait of the authoress by Calamatta. What struck him as much as anything was the bedroom in brown, with the bed on the floor in Turkish fashion. He was careful to assure his correspondent that, Chopin being the maitre de ceans, she had no need to be jealous. But jealous she was, though not of George Sand. As Paris was a resort for rich Russians, Madame Hanska’s cousins among the number, she had frequent reports of Balzac’s doings, distorted by society gossip, the true and the untrue being fantastically mixed; and it was no small task to disabuse her mind and persuade her that his conduct was blameless. Indeed, at bottom she remained sceptical.
In 1841, three books were published which merit attention on the part of a student of his works. The first, A Shady Affair, has the right to be styled an historical novel. Dealing with the Napoleonic epoch, its interest gathers chiefly round the person of the brave peasant Michu, whose devotion to the Legitimist house of Cinq-Cygne brings him, an innocent victim, to the scaffold. The character of Laurence de Cinq-Cygne, a girl of the Flora MacDonald type, and the characters also of the two cousins de Simeuse, who both loved her and conspired with her, and whose pardon she gained only to lose these faithful knights dying on a field of battle, are drawn with great power and naturalness. And the plot, in which, together with other police spies, the same Corentin reappears that was the evil genius of the Chouans, is more rapid and less cumbered than in the earlier work. When the Shady Affair came out in the Commerce journal, Balzac was accused of having identified a certain Monsieur Clement de Ris with his Malin de Gondreville, who plays an evil role in the story — that of an unscrupulous, political turncoat, Revolutionary to begin with, Senator under the Empire, and Peer under the Restoration. The novelist defended himself against the imputation; but the resemblances between the fictitious and the real personage were, all the same, too close to be quite accidental.

chanel watches The Best Mp3 Player In The Market_20165

This device is so light but it can store up to 4,000 songs and can play up to 55 hours of music or 11 hours of movies or videos all in one single charge. (This is where the competitors are trying to live up to but just couldn't beat)

This sleek and elegant MP3 is so small making it extremely portable, it actually fits the palm of your hand perfectly making it easy to grip while enjoying its features plus it comes in full screen color. This small yet truly amazing MP3 uses low-power display technology of the S9 MP3 player making it possible to view it any angle wherever you may be; either outdoors or indoors plus it doesn't catch the sun's glare and is fully operational under direct sunlight. It can withstand wear and tear because it is fully anti-scratch allowing it to look more elegant no matter how you use it.

It offers touch screen technology which gives every user the flexibility which stationary screen cannot provide to their user. S9 allows it users to enjoy zooming at its best, allowing them to enlarge images giving users easy access and ease while manipulating it. So no matter how you will use it, either for personal or business purposes you are assured that you'll get the best use of your MP3 player.

Users can play AVI and WMV files and enjoy the same videos, movies, and sitcoms that they watch at home or on their PC. Simply tilting the unit enables it to play in widescreen mode which heightens the experience tremendously.

The S9 MP3 player allows music amplification or enhance the quality of sound with your music by allowing you to adjust its amplifiers by using the JetEffect music enhancer giving the users a chance to configure the sound quality of MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, APE and WAV file formats. You may also amplify or configure and restore bass or other distorted files so you will never miss any of your favorite movies, and songs wherever you may be

If you are a photo enthusiast S9 also comes with excellent photoviewer. It also has alarm clock, digital voice recorder and FM radio tuner and to top it all it's free to access the bonuses and other features. Because it offers touch screen technology all you need to do is touch the icons shown on the screen and it will do its thing. It is also Bluetooth capable making it more accessible wherein there's no need for one to carry cables around if they don't wanted to bring cables around.

The Cowon S9 16 GB Video MP3 player includes accessories such as USB 2.0 cable, a manual CD and a quick starter guide to show you how to go about with your MP3 and how to use the device properly. Although the plastic case is not included but customers are given an option should they buy one then they will be able to avail it at a reasonable price.

Great things comes in small packages and it's the same with the S9 device which revolutionized MP3 players to the max by offering big values in small packages by allowing its users the freedom of choice and giving multimedia fanatics extra freedom by providing quality at a satisfactory price that customers and other MP3 manufacturers can't beat.

Larry Williams is an expert in electronics with superior knowledge equaled by none. Today, he is supplying the largest collection of sports mp3 player currently available anywhere at very reasonable prices. Pass by his website to know more about Larry's favorite, the Cowon S9.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton “God knows

“God knows,” said the faithful bower-maiden, “I would hold my hand out to catch drops of molten lead, rather than endure your tears; and yet, my sweet mistress, I would rather at present see you grieved than angry. This ancient lady hath, it would seem, but acted according to some old superstitious rite of her family, which is in part yours. Her name is respectable, both from her conduct and possessions; and hard pressed as you are by the Normans, with whom your kinswoman, the Prioress, is sure to take part. I was in hope you might have had some shelter and countenance from the Lady of Baldringham.”
“Never, Rose, never,” answered Eveline; “you know not — you cannot fuess what she has made me suffer — exposing me to witchcraft and fiends. Thyself said it, and said it truly — the Saxons are still half Pagans, void of Christianity, as of nurture and kindliness.”
“Ay, but,” replied Rose, “I spoke then to dissuade you from a danger now that the danger is passed and over, I may judge of it otherwise.”
“Speak not for them, Rose,” replied Eveline, angrily; “no innocent victim was ever offered up at the altar of a fiend with more indifference than my father’s kinswoman delivered up me — me, an orphan, bereaved of my natural and powerful support. I hate her cruelty — I hate her house — I hate the thought of all that has happened here — of all, Rose, except thy matchless faith and fearless attachment. Go, bid our train saddle directly — I will be gone instantly — I will not attire myself” she added, rejecting the assistance she had at first required —“I will have no ceremony — tarry for no leave-taking.”
In the hurried and agitated manner of her mistress, Rose recognized with anxiety another mood of the same irritable and excited temperament, which had before discharged itself in tears and fits. But perceiving, at the same time, that remonstrance was in vain, she gave the necessary orders for collecting their company, saddling, and preparing for departure; hoping, that as her mistress removed to a farther distance from the scene where her mind had received so severe a shock, her equanimity might, by degrees, be restored.
Dame Gillian, accordingly, was busied with arranging the packages of her lady, and all the rest of Lady Eveline’s retinue in preparing for instant departure, when, preceded by her steward, who acted also as a sort of gentleman-usher, leaning upon her confidential Berwine, and followed by two or three more of the most distinguished of her household, with looks of displeasure on her ancient yet lofty brow, the Lady Ermengarde entered the apartment.
Eveline, with a trembling and hurried hand, a burning cheek, and other signs of agitation, was herself busied about the arrangement of some baggage, when her relation made her appearance. At once, to Rose’s great surprise, she exerted a strong command over herself, and, repressing every external appearance of disorder, she advanced to meet her relation, with a calm and haughty stateliness equal to her own.
“I come to give you good morning, our niece,” said Ermengarde, haughtily indeed, yet with more deference than she seemed at first to have intended, so much did the bearing of Eveline impose respect upon her;—“I find that you have been pleased to shift that chamber which was assigned you, in conformity with the ancient custom of this household, and betake yourself to the apartment of a menial.”

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Outdoor Wedding Reception Activities

If you are having your wedding reception out of doors, that opens the door for many activities that would be hard to pull off indoors. You can plan games and activities based on the outdoor theme and carry that theme indoors if part of the reception is inside as well.

Depending on where the reception will be held, you can plan many activities based on the setting. Whether it is the park or on a farm, there are a myriad of activities you can plan.

Let's start with some basics based on popular wedding locations. One fun game for a winery wedding is a blindfolded wine tasting game. If the bride and groom are wine drinkers, this might not a game the bride and groom should be a part of, but instead guests and wedding party members. Blindfold perhaps a half dozen volunteers and have them do a blind taste test (provide something to clean the palate between sips). The volunteers should guess which wine is the pinot noir, which is the Cabernet, and so on. A bottle of wine is the obvious prize for the winner of this game.

Say you are having a reception at a country club on a golf course. It's possible your theme will include golf elements, so why not include golf in some reception activities or games? You certainly could head to the golf course for a "hole in one" contest, or have a driving contest to see which guest has the best stroke. As a simple, "who gets the centerpiece game", you could have people guess how many golf balls there are in the floral centerpiece (which could decorate a plain large glass vase filled with flowers). Similarly, there could be a large vase or other clear container filled with golf balls at the reception somewhere and guests could guess how many golf balls are in the vase.

A silly game could be made on the dance floor by asking everyone to include their best golf swing into their dancing for one particular song.

Now, if your reception and ceremony are both to be held outdoors and guests will be milling outdoors, think about games or activities that can take place outdoors and still keep to your level of formality or informality. For example, if the reception is being held at a park, perhaps guests might enjoy a "walk down memory lane". Prior to the reception, someone can use potted plants or arbors to create a little private lane, which guests can walk through. Along the path, guests will find pictures of the bride and groom at various stages in their lives. There should be a place for guests to record their thoughts and memories along the way as well.

If your wedding and reception are fairly casual, you can always tell guests ahead of time to prepare for a ball game or some other fun outdoor activity. Women can bring a pair of sneakers. Just imagine the fun photos you'll get out of a rousing game of football or baseball played by women in dresses and sneakers and men in suits and sneakers!

You can provide a challenge activity involving barefoot dancing in the grass or a Frisbee toss in the backyard. Is there a pool in the yard where the reception will be held? Why not have a swimming activity for after the whole of the reception is done?


Word count 568


coach Xbox 360 - Why Should You Spend Your Money On It_4821

Xbox 360 is the coolest system since Nintendo 64! The Xbox 360 is a purely awesome gaming console, with hours and hours of fun attached. All the features on this baby leaves the owner speechless! It has an arcade feature and a shop feature. In the arcade feature, you obviously play classic arcade games. The shop feature lets you buy new things for games using "gamer points". One more cool feature is the ability to hook your Ipod up to it and listen to songs while playing games and letting it charge! The Xbox 360 has countless games for it and it's only been out for about a year!

Games such as Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3, and Bio Shock are included in the 360. Halo 3 is about a futuristic war against Aliens and Humans. Halo 3 includes a multiplayer feature which is always updating so it never gets old. Guitar Hero 3 is a game where you are able to play many classic songs. It has the difficulty levels of Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert. You can tell a difference between difficulty level and it is GREAT fun! Bio Shock is about a man who gets in a plane crash and finds an underwater city where everything has gone wrong! You meet very odd characters along the way, and discover amazing, awesomely entertaining powers known as "Plasmids." Having these games to show off to your friends feels great!

The 360 has one drawback...it's price. It can range from three hundred dollars to five hundred dollars, depending on the system you get. There are three types of the 360, Core, Normal, and Elite! The recommended version is the Normal, if you don't want to spend too much. All in all, the Xbox 360 would be an awesome thing to get, make a perfect gift, or make anyone jealous. Do yourself a favor and get one.


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Really genuine Chinese tea is rather difficult to come across in the shops. Numerous teas you will find are only bad imitations with quite low quality leaves and will offer no real advantages, potential for fat reduction or otherwise. Therefore you might be in effect throwing cash away ingesting a tea that has no useful effects to health whatsoever. Tava Tea on the other hand, is different from the rest.

Tava Tea is an select combination of exotic natural teas; Sencha, Puerh as well as the fairly rare tea variety Wuyi Cliff Oolong. These powerful blends obtain been utilized in China for over 5,000 years to attain and sustain excellent healthiness and healing, but never have they been utilized inside this way. These are the best leaves you will ever find combined inside any tea and you can only discover this one of a kind supplement on the internet.

you'll shed pounds rapidly yet safely with daily utilization of this exotic tea, a couple of cups per day are recommended for optimum, successful slimming. It will effortlessly be incorporated into your daily diet and is a much more enjoyable method of reducing weight. But, in addition to its astonishing shedding weight properties, Tava Tea is no run of the mill cup of tea and can give you a whole lot extra aside.

Tava Tea is a rich organic blend packed full of extremely effective antioxidants. It may help to revitalize ageing cells, slowing down the process of ageing, counteract an insulin spike, decrease ldl cholesterol and offer you an immunity increase and increased energy and a sense of well being. It should help to abolish free radicals in the blood stream which can be a major cause of premature ageing, an impressive 50% reduction of free radicals has been observed in people who utilised Tava Tea for just 15 days.

Tava Tea offers protection against cardiac problems and tissue healing. It provides the circulation a boost which means better blood flow; it can inhibit the production of certain types of cancer cells. In addition to this, this very select blend supplements digestion, keeps your spleen in good physical shape while leaving you with a peaceful calm state of mind and helps to improve depression.

Tava Tea is available to purchase on its official website. You won't ever have to stress about free trial scams in which you are usually continuously sent samples of tea and charged for them regardless. Tava Tea won't ever autoship, you buy when and as you want to. The producers have so much belief in their product that they provide a full six month guarantee. At a reasonable price and 1000s of satisfied customers, Tava Tea is a great weight loss tea to try for maximum weight loss benefits.


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Losing Your Mind With Data Recovery

For nearly all computer users, losing data can be a very traumatic experience. If you use your computer for a business or for other important matters, it can be very stressful and very traumatic to lose everything you have worked months, and possibly even years to build.

Even though you may back up your data on a periodic basis, you抣l still need to check the backup to make sure that everything works. Nothing can be worse than backing something up, only to find months later that something went wrong.

No matter who you are, or what business you work for, data loss can happen. Computers are great, although they aren抰 perfect. Over time, your hard drive can crash or malfunction, which will result in the loss of everything you have stored on your computer.

Whenever this happens to you, it抯 always a good thing there抯 data recovery. Without data recovery, it wouldn抰 be possible to retrieve files, recover information, or simply get back to the data you spent years building.

To recover your data, you抣l need to send it off to a company that specializes in data recovery. They will need to run some tests on it and see what shape it is in, how bad it is damaged, and just what needs to be done to recover your data.

This process will normally take around a week or so, all depending on the problem. It can be quite expensive as well, depending on where you send it. Keep in mind though - the more experience the data recovery technicians have, the higher the price will be.

Those that are more expensive are great if you have the money to spare, for the simple fact that they are experts and are more apt at saving your data and information. The cheaper data recovery companies are great as well, although larger companies and those with extremely important data will want to put their trust in the best that money can buy.

With most cases, companies can rebuild the hard drive, providing the drive isn抰 totally corrupted. In cases where the hard drive is totally gone, it will need to be rebuilt, which can take quite a bit of time. No matter what the situation may be, data recovery experts can normally find a solution to recover your data.

At some point in time, everyone will experience some type of hard drive crash or malfunction that will result in the loss of data. When this happens to you, you shouldn抰 get all shook up or alarmed, you should instead make sure that you are prepared to always expect the unexpected.

Even though your data can normally be recovered, you should still back up everything on a weekly basis just to be on the safe side. This way, when your hard drive is sent off to be repaired, you抣l have the information you need backed up to keep on going as normal.

To be on the safe side, you should keep your most important documents and files stored on a CD, by using a CD burner and CD-R media. This is by far the cheapest and easiest way to back up your data, and it will keep you more than prepared for when your hard drive malfunctions and crashes when you least expect it.

If you prepare yourself by backing up your data, a hard drive malfunction won抰 be as traumatic on you. You should always be prepared, and ready just in case something happens. Computers are the wave of the future - although they aren抰 perfect by any means.


(word count 595) 相关的主题文章:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

coach Why Paper Bracelets-_21963

Have you ever thought about ordering paper bracelets for your next event? If so, you may be onto something. Believe it or not, paper bracelets are becoming more and more popular and you may be on the right path to getting involved yourself. Of course, before you decide on this you want to be well aware of the benefits.

Here are three reasons why buying paper bracelets is a good idea:

1. They are cheap. Why spend a lot of money on silicone bracelets when you do not need to? If you can get away with using paper bracelets you should do so for the cost alone. There is no denying that you can save a lot of money by purchasing paper instead of rubber.

2. They get the job done. Most people who order paper bracelets need them for an event. For instance, a bracelet is given to each attendee to prove that they paid the entrance fee. Why would you need the bracelets to look good for this? In this case, functionality is more important than anything else.

3. They are water resistant and comfortable. You do not want to spend a lot of money, but at the same time you don't want people fumbling with their bracelet because it is uncomfortable. When you rely on paper bracelets you never have to worry about this; even if it rains.

Now do you see why paper bracelets are becoming more and more popular? If you are shopping for bracelets for an upcoming event, keep paper in mind!


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Home Selling Tips

Planning to sell your house? Or planning to move to a new house and selling the old one? There are some home selling tips to make your home selling attracts a buyer. You should pay attention to some aspects if you would sell your home. The price almost becomes a general of all. And then, the qualities of your house can be guarantee. The qualities include beauty, functionality, coziness, etc.
Above all, assumes that you are a buyer, what will you look or what will you look if you want to buy a house? There are some home selling tips:
· Just familiar with the market price of houses, and put the reasonable price.
· The location of your house can be a point to increase or decrease your market price, if your house located in an elite residential, you are allowed to increase your market price.
· Plan some strategy to advertise and promote your home selling. You can consult with an expert or with a realty agent. Just put your advertising in local newspaper or you also can put your home selling promotion in a websites. Nowadays, there are many sites that operate in home selling advertising.
· Put a board sign written “Home For Sale by Owner” in your front yard
· Showing your home to a buyer directly or using visual media.
· Your presentation to a buyer can add a good value of your home selling.
· No home is perfect. You just disclosing and clarifying all the negative facts in your house.
· Make a good first impression, by doing some preparations in your exterior, interior, and appliances.
· Creating a buying mood, with turn of air conditioner or heater, make some spaces, create coziness, open the windows, light the fireplace, etc.
· Qualify a buyer is necessary to do to make sure that the process of selling work properly.
· Pay attention to your house tax. You can consult with your house tax advisor.
· Just now about all legal transaction process terms such as contracts, and letter correlated.
· Learn how to do a good negotiation.
· If you decide to use an agent or realtor, you must know the different of two them. You also should now the commission and all the process inside.
· Choose a reputable realtor.
· Put the board signs written “Home For Sale by Realtor” if you use realtor.
· Make the most of your realtor’s advices. Your realtor will guide you to your home selling and you will receive the maximum results offered.
tip on selling your own home
Selling your own home is never easy, and the difficulties ran more than just missing an agent. There are those memories and sense of belongings to get over, for one. You want to make sure the house you’ve lived in moves to the best buyer possible – and you want to make sure they’re willing to pay what it’s worth. Do you really think you can do this? A lot of people managed to sell their own home quickly. Here are some tips that might help:

· Make sure you have every legal issues covered before you even think about handing your house over. Does your state law require you to give property disclosures to potential buyers? It’s always a good idea to invest in a good attorney to help you.
· An attorney also come in handy for helping you make the contract form. Selling your own home requires a contract that would both protect you and the buyer – think about the buyer deposit and the local estate laws.
· A useful but normally disregarded tip in selling your own home is make sure you pick out the best picture to put in the advertisements. Like humans, not all houses are “photogenic”, so pick out the best angle that still represents what your house has to offer.
· Something the agents have and you don’t is experience, especially in observing buyers. The large amount of potential buyers coming to your house should not convince you that everyone can finance for a house. If you’re selling a house on your own, more buyers will come in hope of a more flexible negotiation – check them all. Ask if they’re able to buy your house immediately, or do they need to sell their own house first.
· Cleaning and preparing your house for home showings is only a part of your effort. Some potential buyers love to do drive-bys, and rely on that first impression. Make sure your lawn and the front part of your house is well maintained. If your curb appeal is low, clients are reluctant to see what’s inside.
These tips on selling your own home came from people who managed to sell their house successfully. There’s a lot to consider before you take every next step, so take your time. And remember, it’s useless to do the selling on your own if the revenue taken from not hiring an agent is spent heavily on fixing your own mistakes!

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4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content

Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site

Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communities

Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility. When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass on to many people their trust. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters.

If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find a loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation. If you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you with your traffic.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

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When you begin your adventure in belly dancing you will want to enjoy the fun of creating the perfect belly dancing costume. When a belly dancer is performing for an audience, her costume is as much a part of the entertainment as her movements. Gold accessories are very popular for belly dancing costumes.

Belly dancers do not wear very much jewelry as a rule. They find that wearing too much jewelry can inhibit their dance movements. The addition of belly dancing coins is an exception to this rule. Scarves and bras are usually decorated with these coins for a traditional touch.

The Tradition

Where belly dancing coins originated is not known. It is believed that the tradition started when the members of the audience would give the belly dancer coins to show that they enjoyed her show. Other people believe that the tradition started with gypsy dancers that also use coins in their traditional dance. Whereever it started, wearing coins on a belly dancing costume is almost required.


The scarves that are used around the hips are commonly adorned with coins. The color and movement of the scarf is accompanied by the flash and sound of the coins as the dancer performs their dance. It is possible to find scarves that already have the coins attached or you can add the coins yourself.

You can also usually find scarves that have the holes already for adding coins. This allows you to add coins, beads, and jewels to your scarf for a look that is completely unique.


The headwear is another place for adding coins. If you don�t wish to have anything around your hips while you are dancing then you can choose to add the coins to your headwear. A headdress that is completely made of coins is certainly a very dramatic statement.


Coins can be added to your bra top if you wish. You can opt to have them sewn on or you can add them on your own if you prefer. The bottom part of the top is a very likely place to add coins. This allows for them to have


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Killarney (Killeen) Golf and Fishing Club: Experience Playing In This Old and One of a Kind Golf Course

Situated in the Southwest of Ireland, the Killarney (Killeen) Golf and Fishing Club is blessed with one of the most beautiful golf landscapes in the world. It is comprised of wonderful golf courses with a natural lakeside to add to the beauty and is also considered as the “Nearest Golf Club to Heaven”.

Killarney Golf and Fishing Club has a magnificent backdrop of the MacGillycuddy Reeks, the highest mountain range in Ireland, and lies three unique lakeside courses that can accommodate beginners in golf as well as professionals.

Golf has been played in Killarney since the 19th century. Since then, they still provide and in fact, improved the course to share it with golf aficionados from all over the world. The wonderful game of golf can never really be truly enjoyed if you haven’t played in Killarney Golf and Fishing Club before.

Killeen is one of the courses in Killarney and is considered as the jewel in the crown. It has been reopened in 2006 and offers spectacular lakeside scenery and will also provide a challenge to long hitters. It offers water features on nearly every hole and fast greens. Nick Faldo is only one of the three players to finish the Killeen course under par. But then again, that was before the changes in 2006. Today, the Killeen course offer a more challenging course that will definitely test your skills as a golfer.

Killeen has a difficulty level that is recommended for advanced golfers. With tight tree lined fairways, and water features on nearly every hole, it will test your golfing skills to the limit. Adding to the challenge are large, fast undulating greens. This course proves to be an equal balance between beauty and challenge.

Killarney Golf and Fishing Club is known to be one of the oldest, internationally recognized, and well established golf clubs in Ireland. It has over 1,700 members from around the world and is still increasing. The Club’s location is one of the most enviable locations in the world.

Killarney has a long golf history. It was founded in 1893 and since then, it went through a lot of development and renovation until it became one of the best golfing locations in the world and it hosted a lot of high profile golf events throughout the years.

Killarnet Golf and Fishing Club have a wide range of amenities that will satisfy your golfing needs. They have a pro shop where you can purchase the latest high profile golf clubs in the market and other golfing apparels that you would want to purchase as souvenirs.

Killarney Golf and Fishing Club also have a place for beginners and advanced golfers alike to learn or improve their golfing skills. The Killarney Academy has helped countless golfers improve their skills in playing the wonderful game of golf. They are also known to build fine golfers in the world with world renowned instructors to help their students achieve that perfect golf swing and perfect golf form.

If you plan on staying in Killarney for a few days, then you should consider staying at their luxurious accommodations that will rival the best hotels in the world. Another feature that Killarney offers is the Clubhouse. They have parking spaces for guests, they have practice facilities where you can improve your swing, this is also the place to hire caddies, and they also have a locker room facility to accommodate your needs as a golfer.

The Killarney Clubhouse also has a restaurant that is known to serve first-class cuisines and let you fully relax after a long game of golf with your friends.

Playing golf has never been as enjoyable. Killarney Golf and Fishing Club is definitely the place you have to be to play golf and also be on the nearest golf club to heaven.

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Christmas Tree Themes: Are They Really Worth It?

Do you celebrate Christmas? If you do, chances are you will celebrate the holidays with a Christmas tree. Each year, the majority of Americans purchase a Christmas tree for their homes. Whether that tree is real or an artificial one, it is often decorated with Christmas decorations. Different individuals decorate their Christmas trees in different ways. Many choose to theme their Christmas trees. If you are planning on decorating your Christmas tree this year, you may be wondering whether or not it is really worth it to decorate your Christmas tree with a theme. In all honesty, it depends.

Before you can start to determine whether or not it would be worth it for you to decorate your Christmas tree with a theme, it is important to note that different individuals have different views on themes. There are many Christmas tree owners that choose to theme their Christmas trees by having everything a particular color. For instance, there are some who choose to have a white Christmas tree with gold and red decorations. All of the decorations typically match. While many take this simple approach, there are others who take it a step further. There are some parents who tend to focus their Christmas tree theme around a cartoon character or something else that their kids enjoy. The decorations used are all typically associated in one way or another.

The type of theme that you would like to use, if you choose to use one, will help to determine whether or not you should go through the hassle of decorating your Christmas tree with a particular theme. For example, it was mentioned above that many just theme their Christmas trees with a particular set of colors. While this can still be difficult to do, it is one of the easier ways to have a Christmas tree theme, especially if the colors are traditional holiday colors. Anything different and you may spend days or even weeks searching for Christmas tree decorations; Christmas tree decorations that may be more than you are willing to pay for. So, if you are interested in decorating your Christmas tree with a theme, but without having to go through all of the hassle, you are advised to take the simplest approach.

If you do decide to decorate your Christmas tree with a particular theme, you may want to think about shopping for your Christmas tree decorations early. Around the months of October and November, the majority of individuals start shopping for Christmas decorations. When this occurs, the selection of decorations available drastically decreases. When you want to theme your Christmas tree, there is a good chance that you will want certain types of Christmas tree decorations, such as lights and ornaments. If you want to make sure that you get exactly the Christmas tree decorations that you were looking for, you are advised to start purchasing Christmas decorations as soon as they become available or as soon as you make the decision do decorate your Christmas tree a certain way.

If you are unable to find the Christmas tree decorations that you were looking for in one of your local retail stores, you are advised to give online shopping some thought. In fact, if you are planning on having a somewhat unique Christmas tree theme, you will find it easier to find what you are looking for online. When searching for themed Christmas tree decorations online, you will want to perform a standard internet search. For instance, if you were planning on having the theme of your Christmas tree be a popular cartoon character or a well-known Christmas symbol, such as an angel, you will want to tailor your search to exactly what you are looking for.

In addition to everything that was mentioned above, it is also important to examine the time that it will take to theme a Christmas tree. When it comes to themed Christmas trees, most tree owners want to get their Christmas trees exactly as they envisioned it in their minds. Unfortunately, that can take a lot of time and experimenting. It does not mean that you shouldn�t theme your Christmas tree this year, it just means that you many want to examine whether or not you really have the time to do so.


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Affiliate Tracking Software Review: PartnersManager

Online, you will find a large number of affiliate tracking software programs. If you are a business owner who is looking to start your own affiliate program, you will need to familiarize yourself with all of these programs. When searching for affiliate tracking software, you will be presented with so many choices that you may not know which type of software is best for your needs. The first step is to determine what you need and want to get out of affiliate tracking software and then find the program that can give you that.

In your search, it is likely that you will come across PartnersManager Affiliate Software. Whether you are the owner of a large or small online business, you may find that this software program has exactly what you need. However, it is not safe to assume that it is. Instead, you will want to further examine the PartnersManager Affiliate Software. When doing so, you will want to examine the software requirements and the services and features that are included with the program.

PartnersManager Affiliate Software requires that your system have a PHP of at least 4.1.0. It is also required that you have MySQL, version 3.23 or higher, and a MySQL database. For a web service, it is advised that you have IIS or Apache. Since the aforementioned computer specifications are considered requirements, you will need them to run the program. If your computer is not equipped to handle the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, but you want this particular affiliate tracking software program, you are advised to update your computer to meet their standards.

When examining any affiliate tracking software, including the PartnersManager Affiliate Software, you are advised to examine what the program will require you to do. This often includes setup and installation. What is nice about PartnersManager is that they provide you with downloadable user manuals and demos before you even signup for their program. This is important because not all software providers do this, even though they should. Perhaps, user manuals and demos are the best way to determine whether or not the PartnersManager Affiliate Software is what you need.

With PartnersManager Affiliate Software, a detailed user guide will not be all that you will receive. Once you signup for the software service, you will find that a lot is included in their purchase price. For instance, all subscribers will be able to receive three free months of customer support. These three months are just enough time for you to familiarize yourself with the software and learn to use it without assistance. Other common features, such as cookie enabled software and detailed earnings reports, are included with this affiliate tracking software.

Unlike other affiliate tracking software, PartnersManager also gives you the option to try their service for free. This free trial is for a one month period. After the trail period has ended, you can determine whether or not you would like to continue on with a paid membership. This effective, but easy to use software program is what so many business owners want and need that many continue on with the paid service. If you decide to do that too, you will only have to pay a onetime license fee; there will be no monthly payments required. You will also receive free software updates whenever they become available.

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If you are looking for an exotic vacation getaway, discover the many extravagant Caribbean luxury cruises available. The Caribbean offers a myriad of opulent and exotic island destinations lined with captivating beaches, radiant nightlife and delightful shopping. Sail in luxury aboard some of the most palatial ships ever built. A Caribbean cruise line offers a distinctive style and ambiance that will satisfy even the most fastidious tastes. The Caribbean's year-round sparkling sunshine, championship golf and friendly island hosts make for a perfect vacation.

Climb aboard a Caribbean cruise line where you will find an endless offering of lavish amenities and comforts to be expected from a premier cruise line. Each ship is outfitted with the most elegant furnishings such as hand-cut teak, custom stone and tile, hand-crafted fixtures and many other extravagant accessories. These regal ships offer expansive suites with a personal maid or butler and fabulous vistas. While at sea, enjoy relaxing spas and wellness facilities or indulge your gambling appetites with poker, blackjack, slots and many other casino games. Don't forget about stately dining rooms and mouth-watering creations from five-star chefs.

Caribbean luxury cruises would not be complete without stops at some of the most relaxing islands in the world. Enjoy the chic flavor of St. Barts, the splendid Dominica landscape or Barbados with its exquisite shopping. Excursions to these islands can be booked through the cruise ship well in advance of your departure date. Try snorkeling in the deep blue turquoise waters, hike the mountains or rent a jeep for a guided eco-tour. Your choice of activities seems endless with each island offering its own unique experience.

Because of their location, the Caribbean islands provide a warm, relaxing climate all year. Many people book Caribbean luxury cruises during the winter months and celebrate the holidays and New Years for an extraordinary getaway. Or look to summer and enjoy the islands with a large family gathering.

Caribbean luxury cruises present travelers with a wealth of rewarding and memorable cruise destinations. Explore the rich history and diverse activities a Caribbean cruise line has to offer.


lv wallets The third of the three principal books of 1841 was the Diaries of Two Young Wives

The third of the three principal books of 1841 was the Diaries of Two Young Wives, written, like the Country Doctor and the Village Cure, in a decidedly didactic tone. We have two girl friends, Renee de Maucombe and Louise de Chaulieu, reared in a convent school, who marry, each with an ideal of wedlock that differs. The former, a doctor in stays, as her school companion calls her, seeks in marriage a calm domestic happiness, the duties and joy of motherhood, and has a husband worthy but commonplace, to whom she gives herself at first without much positive attachment on her side. The latter makes of love a passion, and marries a Spanish exile, plain-looking but virile, whom she bends to her will. The two wives exchange their impressions during their early years of matrimony, and we see the happiness of the one develop while that of the other diminishes. The Spaniard dies and Louise de Chaulieu takes a second husband, a poor poet, whom she adores as much as her Spaniard had adored her. Carrying him off to Ville-d’Avray, she creates there a snug Paradise, where she fondles him as if he were a toy, until at length her feverish jealousy brings on her own illness and death.
The novel in its earlier phases was being worked at together with the Sister Marie des Anges, which was promised to Werdet but never completed, and seems to have had some connection with it. Possibly, in his primitive plan, the author intended to set in contrast the spouse and the nun: and certainly, in the original draft, there was only one bride.
In 1842, at the Odeon Theatre, was performed a dramatic piece from the novelist’s pen, which by some critics has been considered his best play. There are even critics who hold that Balzac was a born dramatist, as he was a born novelist, basing their opinion on his possession of qualities common to dramatist and novelist. His force of characterization, his handling of plot, his sense of passion were all sufficient to procure him success on the stage, which explains why pieces adapted from his novels by other playwrights invariably caught the public fancy. But, in order to develop character, plot, and passion in his fiction, he employed interminable detail and slow action; and his effects were obtained rather by constant pressure throughout than by sudden impact. The brevity and condensation required by the drama were foreign to his genius; he could not help trying to put too much into his stage pieces, and the unity of subject was compromised.
The School of Great Men,17 as he preferred to call his play at the Odeon, carries the spectator back to the Spain of Philippe II. Fontanares, a clever man of science but poor, and without influence, has discovered the means of navigating by steam. His valet Quinola, a genius in his way, resolves to aid his master, who, being in love, has all the greater claim on his pity; and he contrives to present the King with a petition in favour of Fontanares, and to obtain a ship for an experiment to be made. But now professional jealousies combine with love rivalries to thwart the inventor; and when, at last, the ship is made to move by its own machinery, the honour of the success is attributed to another. To avenge his wrongs, and the loss of his betrothed, who is given to his rival and dies, he blows up the steamer in presence of an assembled multitude, and quits his native land with a courtezan who has conceived a liking for him and will provide him with money to recommence his enterprise elsewhere.