Sunday, December 30, 2012

鎴戞槸浼犲 I Am Legend_113

er presence to bring about such thoughts: And they were strange, alien thoughts,montblanc pen.
"Do you actually think I'm wrong?" he asked in an incredulous voice.
She bit into her lower lip.
"Ruth," he said.
"It's not for me to say," she answered.
Chapter 18
The dark form recoiled against the wall as Robert Neville's hoarse cry ripped open the silent blackness.
He jerked his body up from the couch and stared with sleep-clouded eyes across the room, his chest pulsing with heartbeats like maniac fists on a dungeon wall.
He lurched up to his feet, brain still foggy with sleep; unable to define time or place.
"Virge?" he said again, weakly, shakily. "Virge?"
"It—it's me," the faltering voice said in the darkness. He took a trembling step toward the thin stream of light spearing through the open peephole. He blinked dully at the light.
She gasped as he put his hand out and clutched her shoulder.
"It's Ruth. Ruth," she said in a terrified whisper. He stood there rocking slowly in the darkness, eyes gazing without comprehension at the dark form before him.
"It's Ruth," she said again, more loudly. Waking came like a hose blast of numbing shock. Something twisted cold knots into his chest and stomach. It wasn't Virge. He shook his head suddenly, rubbed shaking fingers across his eyes.
Then he stood there staring, weighted beneath a sudden depression.
"Oh," he muttered faintly. "Oh, I..."
He remained there, feeling his body weaving slowly in the dark as the mists cleared from his brain.
He looked at the open peephole,cheap jordan shoes, then back at her.
"What are you doing?" he asked, voice still thick with sleep.
"Nothing," she said nervously. "I ... couldn't sleep,"
He blinked his eyes suddenly at the flaring lamplight. Then his hands dropped down from the lamp switch and he turned around. She was against the wall still, blinking at the light, her hands at her sides drawn into tight fists.
"Why are you dressed?" he asked in a surprised voice. Her throat moved and she stared at him,fake rolex watches. He rubbed his eyes again and pushed

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